Table of contents

Barcode Result Classes


iTextResult is the class that stores the text result data.

@interface iTextResult
Attribute Type Descriptions
barcodeFormat EnumBarcodeFormat Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1.
barcodeFormatString NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1 as string.
barcodeFormat_2 EnumBarcodeFormat2 Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2.
barcodeFormatString_2 NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2 as string.
barcodeText NSString * The barcode text, ends by ‘\0’.
barcodeBytes NSData * The barcode content in a byte array.
localizationResult iLocalizationResult The corresponding localization result.
detailedResult NSObject * One of the following: iQRCodeDetails, iPDF417Details, iDataMatrixDetails, iAztecDetails, iOneDCodeDetails.
extendedResults NSArray<iExtendedResult> The extended result array.


iLocalizationResult is the extension of the class iTextResult. It stores the localization result information.

@interface iLocalizationResult
Attribute Type Descriptions
terminatePhase EnumTerminatePhase The terminate phase of localization result.
barcodeFormat EnumBarcodeFormat Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1.
barcodeFormatString NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1 as string.
barcodeFormat_2 EnumBarcodeFormat2 Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2.
barcodeFormatString_2 NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2 as string.
resultPoints NSArray * The vertices coordinates information of the barcode region.
angle NSInteger The angle of a barcode. Values range is from 0 to 360.
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
pageNumber NSInteger The page number the barcode located in. The index is 0-based.
regionName NSString * The region name the barcode located in.
documentName NSString * The document name.
resultCoordinateType EnumResultCoordinateType The coordinate type.
accompanyingTextBytes NSData * The accompanying text content in a byte array.
accompanyingTextBytesLength NSInteger The length of the accompanying text byte array.
confidence NSInteger The confidence of the localization result.


iExtendedResult is the extension of the class iTextResult. It stores the extended result information.

@interface iExtendedResult
Attribute Type Descriptions
resultType EnumResultType The extended result type.
barcodeFormat EnumBarcodeFormat Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1.
barcodeFormatString NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 1 as string.
barcodeFormat_2 EnumBarcodeFormat2 Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2.
barcodeFormatString_2 NSString * Barcode type in BarcodeFormat group 2 as string.
confidence NSInteger The confidence of the result. The higher confidence means the higher accuracy.
bytes NSData * The content in a byte array.
bytesLength NSInteger The length of the byte array.
accompanyingTextBytes NSData * The accompanying text content in a byte array.
accompanyingTextBytesLength NSInteger The length of the accompanying text byte array.
deformation NSInteger The deformation value.
detailedResult NSObject * One of the following: QRCodeDetails, PDF417Details, DataMatrixDetails, AztecDetails, OneDCodeDetails.
samplingImage iSamplingImageData* The sampling image info.
clarity NSInteger The clarity of the barcode zone in percentage.


iAztecDetails is one of the detailedResult in class iTextResult. It stores the Aztec code details.

@interface iAztecDetails
Attribute Type Descriptions
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
rows NSInteger The row count of the barcode.
columns NSInteger The column count of the barcode.
layerNumber NSInteger A negative number (-1, -2, -3, -4) specifies a compact Aztec code. A positive number (1, 2, .. 32) specifies a normal (full-rang) Aztec code.


iDataMatrixDetails is one of the detailedResult in class iTextResult. It stores the DataMatrix code details.

@interface iDataMatrixDetails
Attribute Type Descriptions
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
rows NSInteger The row count of the barcode.
columns NSInteger The column count of the barcode.
dataRegionRows NSInteger The data region row count of the barcode.
dataRegionColumns NSInteger The data region column count of the barcode.
dataRegionNumber NSInteger The data region count.


iOneDCodeDetails is one of the detailedResult in class iTextResult. It stores the OneD code details.

@interface iOneDCodeDetails
Attribute Type Descriptions
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
startCharsBytes NSData * The start chars in a byte array.
startCharsBytesLength NSInteger The length of the start chars byte array.
stopCharsBytes NSData * The stop chars in a byte array.
stopCharsBytesLength NSInteger The length of the stop chars byte array.
checkDigitBytes NSData * The check digit chars in a byte array.
checkDigitBytesLength NSInteger The length of the check digit chars byte array.


iPDF417Details is one of the detailedResult in class iTextResult. It stores the PDF417 code details.

@interface iPDF417Details
Attribute Type Descriptions
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixel).
rows NSInteger The row count of the barcode.
columns NSInteger The column count of the barcode.
errorCorrectionLevel NSInteger The error correction level of the barcode.


iQRCodeDetails is one of the detailedResult in class iTextResult. It stores the QRCode details.

@interface iQRCodeDetails
Attribute Type Descriptions
moduleSize NSInteger The barcode module size (the minimum bar width in pixels).
rows NSInteger The row count of the barcode.
columns NSInteger The column count of the barcode.
errorCorrectionLevel NSInteger The error correction level of the barcode.
version NSInteger The version of the QR Code.
model NSInteger Number of the models.


iSamplingImageData stores the detailed image data in iExtendedResult.

@interface iSamplingImageData
Attribute Type Descriptions
bytes NSData* The sampling image data in a byte array.
width NSInteger The width of the sampling image.
height NSInteger The height of the sampling image.