
Scan MSI Code

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MSI Code - Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK

What is a MSI Code?

The MSI Code is a variation of the Plessey Code that is also called the Modified Plessey. It was developed by the MSI Data Corporation to enhance the accuracy of the Plessey Code- one of the most error-prone barcodes.

An MSI Code only comprises digits zero through nine. There are four possible check digit calculation algorithms for error detection:

  • Modulo 10
  • Modulo 11
  • Modulo 1010
  • Modulo 1110

By default, a Modulo 10 check digit is verified.

A typical MSI Code looks like this:

MSI Code

Where is a MSI Code used?

The applications of MSI Codes include marking containers and shelves to identify storage locations in inventory tracking and warehouse environment.


  • Inventory
  • Warehousing

How could Dynamsoft help you with MSI Code?

Dynamsoft barcode reader enables you to efficiently embed high-speed and reliable barcode reading functionality in your web, desktop or mobile application using just a few lines of code.

Download the free trial SDK, explore our helpful resource center including sample codes, tutorials, guides and more to get started.