
Scan Industrial 2 of 5

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Industrial 2 of 5 - Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK

What is a Industrial 2 of 5?

Developed first in 1968, Industrial 2 of 5 is a low-density barcode that forms a part of the Code 2 of 5 symbology family. "2 of 5" signifies the number of digits encoded with the five bars, two of which are always wide and the remaining three being narrow.

The structure of the Industrial 2 of 5 barcode is very easy to understand as all the information is encoded in the width of the bars. On the hand, the spaces perform the function of separating the bars themselves.

Below is what a typical Industrial 2 of 5 barcode looks like:

Industrial 2 of 5

Where is a Industrial 2 of 5 used?

Industrial 2 of 5 finds usage in applications such as airline ticketing, photofinishing, and warehouse sorting.


  • Retail
  • Warehousing
  • Airlines

How could Dynamsoft help you with Industrial 2 of 5?

Dynamsoft barcode reader enables you to efficiently embed high-speed and reliable barcode reading functionality in your web, desktop or mobile application using just a few lines of code.

Download the free trial SDK, explore our helpful resource center including sample codes, tutorials, guides and more to get started.